Hardware Recommendation
We make hardware recommendations based on the kind of work you do and the kind of portability you need. Our recommendations are grouped into Desktops, Laptops, Servers and Network Devices. And, then organized by work needs to make it easy to find the right machine.

Laptops & Desktops
PC desktops cost less than a comparable laptop. Although overall prices have declined, price gaps still exist largely because of the higher cost of laptop displays and the added cost of miniaturized technology.
Since laptops are portable, they are more prone to accidents and abuse than desktops. And due to their size, laptops require smaller, more intricate components and more tedious labor resulting in more costly upgrades and repairs.
We recommend that you consider purchasing extended warranties for both laptops and desktops to cover the effective life of the machine.
Servers, Firewall and Switches
If you operate a small to medium-size business, the question isn’t “Do I need a server, Firewall, Switches?” but “Which type of server, firewall, or routing devices do I need?” Before making that decision, however, have you considered or addressed the number-one alternative to operating and maintaining an on-site server.

On Premise Solutions
Established companies with the ability to make the required upfront investment to purchase and implement the software.
Minimum time-frame for an on-premise solution should be 5 – 7 years. We know cloud-based infrastructure has many advantages, there are some business based applications that would see little to no cost benefit from migrating to the cloud.
This is usually the case when businesses have invested significant capital in on-premise infrastructure, such as high-performance databases, that are solely configured to support that application.
Cloud or Hybrid Solutions
Ninety percent (90%) of large and small organizations say they are going to pursue a hybrid cloud solution this year. Enterprise architecture is often so complex that a hybrid cloud solution — where public, private or on-premises infrastructure supports a single application — is the best solution.

What Are You Waiting For?
Contact us and get the recommendation you need.