The Necessity Of Customer Success To Effective Data Migrations

Data Migrations, IT Systems, Managed Service Providers
The cloud services sector is expanding significantly, and this rapid expansion reveals excellent potential for data migration. But managed service providers (MSPs) and internal IT teams face a plethora of challenges when handling migrations. Migrations are intricate, highly visible projects that often take place under tight deadlines. And regrettably, many unforeseen factors often come into play. Any level of migration calls for specialized knowledge. Having an experienced resource to assist in troubleshooting and handling the issue is essential to success when a migrating team runs into unexpected snags.

The Significance Of Customer Success

Customers Upselling

The teams responsible for customer success collaborate with the migration team from the start to plan and solve issues as they arise. They offer tactical strategies to prevent major delays that waste time and money and stop migrations from producing disastrous errors. Customer success teams offer professional assistance in three key areas:

Scope Of Data

The customer success team will first assist the end-user organization in assessing all of its information, documents, and tasks. Next, they will evaluate the different kinds of data and the required data movement.

Planning And Strategy

Secondly, customer success staff operate strategically to comprehend all the challenges associated with transferring the IT infrastructure of the end user. The IT environment of the organization is composed of a sophisticated network of different systems. Customer success engineers assist in identifying the possible problems presented by such systems and devise a plan of action to prevent them.

Proof Of Concept

To determine how the overall migration will go, customer success teams migrate a tiny fraction of the customer base as proof of concept. Shared files, documents and mailboxes, and any data the business intends to relocate are included in the data subset. The proof of concept gives an overview of what must occur for the successful migration of a bigger quantity of data.

Difficulties With Unplanned Migration

Migrations often encounter unknown factors. A migration operation might go out of hand for a variety of reasons. Here are six reasons why cloud migration might go wrong:

Wrong Team

A business could have skilled IT personnel with expertise in managing firewalls, backing up systems, operating IT systems, and applying for certifications. This does not imply that they have any training in handling migrations. Internal IT personnel often lack knowledge of the nuances involved in migrating different kinds of systems, workloads, and data.

Misplaced Emphasis

It’s not necessary to use a lift-and-shift strategy for every migration. Rather, your migration expert will provide options for you to analyze your data and exclude extraneous information. Your new situation will be less cluttered and decrease migration costs by prioritizing and ranking the migrating data.

Hasty App Evaluation

Understanding each migrating data element and its location in the new environment is extremely important. Without a solid understanding of the size, quantity, and nature of migrating data, many issues will arise. During project scoping, a customer success team could help by giving the IT team a thorough overview of their data.

Poor Landing Zone

This is to ensure that your data reaches the end point securely. Address issues such as – Do all data accurately correspond to the end users? Will the information be safe? Is it possible to manage the data after migration? This will save you from hassles in the future.

Miscalculated Work Intensity

Migrations are similar to painting a home. The preparation work is harder than the painting itself. Migrations will not have a realistic timeframe or price without sufficient scope, strategy, and planning, leading to missed deadlines and high expenses. With proper planning, you can gauge the budget and timeline of the project.

Extra Charges

Companies usually underestimate the cost and time required for migration. Sometimes, after the transfer, there are one-time expenditures, such as extra charges such as residual costs or upkeep of two separate environments.

How Can Teckpath Help You?

By working alone, you run the danger of risking your project for failure. Our customer success specialists can help you save time, money, and worry. TeckPath Public Folder Migration and Synchronization Manager allows you to confidently migrate or synchronize your public folders, client rights, and mail-enabled settings to Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. Our team’s proactive attitude guarantees that any project snags are handled skillfully and don’t result in lengthy delays. Our Customer Success engineers will verify your migration plan, spot any warning signs, and make sure your approach is effective.
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