Factors to consider when choosing a cloud hosting plan?

Coud Hosting, IT Security, Disaster Recovery, High-Performance Computing
In the past couple of years, cloud computing has witnessed a sudden surge in popularity.  More and more businesses are making the switch to cloud computing and hosting. Companies are adopting this move for numerous reasons; no hardware hassles, effortless storage, easy access, and much more. Choosing the right cloud hosting platform is often the make-or-break aspect of a successful business. To help you with your choice, this blog deals with 7 things you should consider while choosing a cloud hosting platform and plan.

1. Infrastructure and Security Design

The first thing you should look for while choosing a cloud hosting service is the infrastructure and security design. You can easily do this by looking at three important aspects: Multi-layer security, High-Performance Computing, and the Setup of the Data Center. Data Centers are the cornerstones of all networking services. By choosing a provider with several data centers, you no longer will have to worry about disconnected services during disasters. HPC or High-Performance Computing makes sure that multiple users can work on the same cloud server without taking a toll on the performance. With an HPC-integrated cloud architecture in place, you work without any major performance glitches troubling you. When large amounts of data are involved, security should always be the top priority/feature in a cloud hosting service. Also, check if the service provider has the following security features: force firewalls, access control systems, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, data encryption, and multi-factor authentication.

2. Backup

Technology isn’t perfect. It is fallible and in the event, it does fail, there must be a well-functioning backup system in place. While finalizing your cloud hosting service, take note of how the backup systems work and how regularly data is backed up. Therefore, choose a hosting service with a proper backup and data-restoration plan in place.

3. Support

Your cloud service will inevitably go through some issue or the other. Most cloud hosting companies provide decent customer support, however depending on the plan and the provider, you may receive different types of service – some may offer 24/7 customer service, while others for only a few times during the day. These are usually carried out via email, phone, or chat. If your organization has multiple people working on the cloud with heavy business needs, then it is better to choose a cloud-hosting service with 24/7 customer support.

4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

While working on the cloud, there is no certainty for protection. Even if you have the best systems in place, there is a possibility of a data breach happening. Disaster Recovery and Business continuity are used to refer to how quickly businesses can get back on their feet after something terrible happens. A good cloud hosting platform will have good security tools in place with well-defined data recovery and business continuity systems.

5. SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

SLA is a contract that lays down the terms and conditions you have agreed with your service provider. Businesses with minimum cloud usage can use a standard SLA, however, if you have a custom plan in place, then discuss it with your service provider and draft a unique SLA for your needs. This would also contain the liabilities of parties if there is a breach of any condition.

6. Transition Assistance

Although transition assistance is largely overlooked by most, it is an important consideration when choosing a cloud hosting service provider. Data migration should be secure to prevent any data leaks.

7. Pricing

As businesses are increasingly migrating to the cloud, more and more cloud hosting service providers have sprouted up. Due to high competition, these service providers offer services at very attractive prices. You should always do your due diligence before choosing the right cloud hosting service. Choose a service that meets your needs and protects your data. If you are paying money for anything, you are entitled to receive your money’s worth. With the digital wave washing over the world, there are several cloud hosting platforms in the market. There are service plans that cater to the needs of many businesses at competing rates. However, one needs to be mindful to evaluate the service being offered and the reliability of the provider. Do not make the mistake of falling for attractive discounts or low prices. Pick a service that safeguards your data and meets your requirements.

How Can TeckPath Help You?

Cloud hosting can be complicated, and choosing the right cloud hosting plan can be even more confusing. However, with TeckPath by your side, you can choose the cloud hosting plan that is tailor-made for your enterprise. Our experts are available to help you address any issues as and when they arise.
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