Cloud-Native Explained: What Is It and Why It’s Critical To Your Business

Cloud-Native, Cloud-Native Apps, , Digital Transformation,
The ubiquity of cloud-based is furthering the digital transformation of businesses across all industries. Developing applications and their deployment has greatly benefited from this switch to a cloud-based service. Particularly, SaaS apps. However, simply using the cloud won’t give you the desired result, you should supplement it with other cloud-native apps to take advantage of the full range of features the cloud has to offer. Developing modern-day software revolves around cloud-native systems and architecture. On the flip side, there isn’t a consensus as to what cloud-native means. But, while designing a cloud-native application, there are certainly some common, simple ideas that are helpful.

What does cloud-native mean?

Software systems that use scalable, dynamic, and effective properties of the cloud are known as cloud-native applications. Cloud-native software particularly leverages cloud-based dynamic allocation of resources. This implies that the app’s size will fluctuate in proportion to the demands imposed on it right now, and the tools it uses will be modified to fit those needs. Services can be swiftly and easily deployed in various contexts thanks to the usage of containers, which eliminates the need for sophisticated dependency management issues. The accepted practice for container management and orchestration, Kubernetes, deploys containers, establishes connections between containers, keeps an eye out for errors, and recompresses the program to meet the needs of the situation. To develop applications and services that can be scaled dynamically, Kubernetes actively collaborates with the cloud. Databases on the cloud can manage and store data. Additionally, most cloud-native applications are designed to be run on any cloud platform.

Why go for cloud-native architectures?

The following are the main advantages of cloud-native architectures:

1.   Automation

Automating tasks gives away the need for repetitive and manual tasks such as running test suites, deployment management, and decommissioning, modifying, adding, and upgrading hardware. All cloud-native applications have automation features in-built to help businesses save time, money, and labour.

2.   Agility

Agility in the cloud means responsiveness to change. Without agility, businesses will go outdated. Companies that use cloud-native apps can quickly respond to the changes due to the agility it provides.

3.   Scalability

Without a cloud-based application in place, you will find it difficult to keep up with the resource requirement of your growing business. Although dynamic resourcing is possible in all cloud-native applications, you must ensure that it is present in yours.

4.   Availability

This means the duration for which your app is out there for customer usage without being interrupted by upgrade processes, maintenance, and application outage. Customers will greatly appreciate your services if it has good availability. Hence, it is integral for the growth of your business and customer satisfaction.

5.   Autonomous resilience

No application is immune to failure, but how quickly you can recover from such a failure is important for proper functioning and customer satisfaction. If your application is better automated, the recovery will also be quicker. Although it is not possible to accurately predict failure, you can improve resiliency by adopting failover mechanisms and fault-tolerant designs.

6.   Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD).

To facilitate the delivery process of your software from development to live production, the CI/CD automates, tests, deploys, builds, and allows the software to do just that. It also improves responsiveness to customers, quality of software, and business agility by quickly making changes to the apps without too much downtime. The transition to a cloud-native architecture has several advantages. A cloud-native application makes use of scalability, agility, automation, and built-in resilience. You also get durability and consistent delivery with cloud-native architecture. It doesn’t matter what type of business you may have; you can still enhance your software and increase the productivity of your company by using cloud-native ideas and processes. Above all, cloud-native architecture can strengthen your business’s resilience and agility, keeping it competitive in this fast-paced market.
TeckPath News

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